SME Chamber of India has initiated SMEtalks, a unique platform for successful entrepreneurs & industrialist, thought leaders, technocrats, inventors, experts & stalwarts from various fields and life to present their experience, views, advice, new ideas, concepts, innovation, designs, advanced technology, achievements, new or unique products & services as well as share success stories for the enhancement & improvement of the knowledge, education, skill and scale of Entrepreneurs, Start-Ups, Members of family managed business, workforce, prospective young & women entrepreneurs & Individuals. SMEtalks will also organise discussion, deliberations & debates on the current affairs, governments affecting policies or policy implementation strategy, critical issues on particular policy, effects of the economy, specific industry & business segment, capital market, finance & banking, labour reforms, affecting movements by policy makers or political parties, ignorance & steps of regulatory bodies, impact of rules or law or schemes on Industries and SMEs. Read More...
Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Vice Chairman - NITI Aayog, Government of India, Shri Subhash Desai, Hon’ble Minister for Industries, Maharashtra and Shri Chandrakant Salunkhe, Founder & President - SME Chamber of India and Maharashtra Industry Development Association (MIDA) launching the SMEtalks - platform initiated by SME Chamber of India launched during INDIA SME ECONOMIC SUMMIT on 28th April 2018 at Mumbai.